«Preparación para el TOEFL y para estudiar en Estados Unidos»
«TOEFL & Study in the U.S.»


Ana del Carmen Esparza Quevedo
Juan Carlos Esparza Ochoa


  1. Fortalecer estrategias para estudiar en Estados Unidos, especialmente posgrados.
  2. Adquirir elementos para entender el mundo académico estadounidense.
  3. Mejorar la lectura, comprensión, pronunciación y redacción en inglés (para resultados exitosos en el examen estandarizado de inglés TOEFL iBT).


  • Inglés básico (para lectura de los materiales del curso).
  • Participación en discusiones y ejercicios (conversación en inglés en cada sesión).
  • Asistencia a las sesiones y trabajo personal de 2 horas por semana extra-clase.


By session

  1. Study Interests.

    session recording link.

  2. Strucuture and Analysis.

    go to vicepresidential debate discussion.

    session recording link.

  3. Higher Education institutions and Faculty.
    Applications: When? How?
    Reading 3.1.
    Reading 3.2.
    Standardized tests.

    go to >>>> practice test.

    >> go to answer question 6.

    >> go to answer question 7.

    >> go to answer question 8.

    >> go to answer question 9.

    >> go to answer question 10.

    Reading 3.3.
    Reading 3.4.

    session recording link.

  4. Standardized tests. (PART 1)

    go to >>>> homework.

    session recording link.

  5. Standardized tests: reading (PART 2)

    go to >>> second part of homework.

    session recording link.

  6. Standardized tests: reading (PART 3)


    6.1. Check the Rules of English Grammar, both the "Twelve basic English grammar rules" and the "Four common English grammar mistakes".
    6.2. From the TOEFL® Practice Tests 1 please use one of the "TOEFL Grammar Practice" tests:
    -- TOEFL Grammar Practice Tests 1
    -- TOEFL Grammar Practice Tests 2
    -- TOEFL Grammar Practice Tests 3
    -- TOEFL Grammar Practice Tests 4
    -- TOEFL Grammar Practice Tests 5
    -- TOEFL Grammar Practice Tests 6.
    6.3. Please finish the ">>>> practice test" of session 3 and the ">>>> homework" of session 4 (if you have not finished them).
    6.4. Please check the following pronunciation tips for past tense '-ed' ending:
    6.5. Please register in ETS to create your TOEFL account, according to the instructions recorded in the first part of session 6 video:

    session recording link.

  7. Grammar & Writing
    Help page 7.1.: that vs. which


    Writing Exercise.

    session recording link.

  8. Conversation Practice.

    8.1. Please check these resource,
           in particular the "Speaking Scoring Guides" called "Rubrics".
           We suggest using the Oxford English Dictionary.

    8.2. Please check this about English vowels.

    8.3. FREE (monitored) conversation time on topic...

    8.4. Extra pronunciation resources.

    8.5. Extra "vowel" article in Wikipedia.

    8.6. Educational documents evaluation.

             Be familiar with resources as:
                World Education Services
                Global Credential Evaluators


    Get up-to-date in former homework (prioritize 6.5.)!


    session recording link.

  9. Conversation Practice II: consonants.

    9.1. Please check:

        9.1.1.Funny Spanish Idioms.

    9.2. Please check:

        9.2.1.Funny Spanish Idioms.

        9.2.2.English Popular Sayings.

        9.2.3.English Idioms.

        9.2.4.English Common Expressions.

        9.2.5.Colloquial English Expressions.

    9.3. Consonant pronunciation:

        9.3.1.Funny Spanish Idioms.

    Get up-to-date in former homework (prioritize 6.5.)!

    session recording link.

  10.  Pronunciation games 1.
    Understanding reading passages.
    Reading question types.
    College-Level readings.
    Gist-Content / Gist-Purpose
    Detail / Function / Attitude
    Reading 4.1.
    Reading 7.1.
    Reading 7.2.
    Reading 8.1. Reading 9.1.
    Reading 9.2.
    Reading 10.1.
    Reading 10.2.

    session recording link.

  11. Connecting Content
    Organization / Inference
    Reading 11.1.
    Reading 11.2.

    session recording link.

  12. Essay Structure.
    Reading 12.1.
    Letters of Recommendation.
    Reading 12.2.

    session recording link.

  13. "Statement of purpose" & CV.
    TOEFL integrated essay.
    Reading 13.2.

    session recording link.

  14. Discusión académica.
    Errores gramaticales.
    Reading 14.1.
    Reading 14.2.
    Reading 14.3.

    session recording link.

  15. Practice test.
    Reading 15.1.

    session recording link.

  16. Interviews.
    Course Evaluation.
    Reading 16.1.

    session recording link.

  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD

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